How are you feeling after dancing?

How are you feeling after dancing? When you dance your body releases endorphins. This is a chemical that trigger’s positive energy and good vibes! It helps improve our emotional state and reduce our perception of pain. So basically, dancing is your cure for happiness! What foods cause inflammation in lungs? Studies show a link between […]

Why was ww2 so brutal?

Why was ww2 so brutal? What was more brutal in WWII was taking the war to the civilians. Hitler made massacring civilians part of his strategy. The Japanese soldiers took great delight in killing civilians as a sport and sometimes a competition. The overall deaths in WWII were much greater, 24 million compared to 10 […]

What did Caliban promise to Stephano?

What did Caliban promise to Stephano? Caliban wants Stephano to murder Prospero. In return, he promises to serve Stephano. He is tired of living under Prospero’s rule, and he believes that… Is Prospero good or evil? The Tempest features a morally ambiguous character, Prospero. Prospero can be viewed as both good and evil because of […]

Why the Battle of Somme was a disaster?

Why the Battle of Somme was a disaster? The main problem was the huge British artillery bombardment had failed. Although the German defences at ground level had been smashed, many of the barbed wire defences remained. How did the Battle of Somme start? The battle at the Somme started with a weeklong artillery bombardment of […]

What is the value of 60 tens?

What is the value of 60 tens? Answer. Step-by-step explanation: 60 tens means 60×10=600 which is the same as 6 hundreds that mean 6×100=600.So they both are the same. What is precision number? In mathematics, precision describes the level of exactness in a number’s digits, such as number 54.6 having precision 1 (one decimal digit). […]

What are the characteristics of a good precis PDF?

What are the characteristics of a good precis PDF? Characteristics of a Precis It is marked by clarity, precision, and brevity. It must be coherent. It is written in the own words of the precis writer and not written by picking words of the original write-up. It should have a logical order and flow, with […]

Why paraphrasing is a necessary skill?

Why paraphrasing is a necessary skill? Paraphrasing is important because it shows you understand the source well enough to write it in your own words. It is important because it shows you and your reader (i.e. your lecturer) that you have understood the source sufficiently enough to write it in your own words. How do […]

What it takes to run for president?

What it takes to run for president? Legal requirements for presidential candidates have remained the same since the year Washington accepted the presidency. As directed by the Constitution, a presidential candidate must be a natural born citizen of the United States, a resident for 14 years, and 35 years of age or older. What happens […]

What does respect mean in the military?

What does respect mean in the military? Treat people as they should be treated Why you should not disrespect an NCO? Disrespecting a Non Commissioned Nco can show the lack of respect you have for the rank and the person behind the rank. You should always essay Non Commissioned Officers with the respect nco they […]

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