What is the nisab for Zakat 2020?

What is the nisab for Zakat 2020? Gold: The nisab by the gold standard is 3 ounces of gold (87.48 grammes) or its cash equivalent. This is approximately $4,780.06 for gold on 08 March 2021, but will vary with the market value of gold. Silver: The nisab by the silver standard is 21 ounces of […]

How do you write a friendship?

How do you write a friendship? Express Gratitude I’m grateful for you because… I’m so lucky to have a friend like you. I’m glad we’re friends for so many reasons. Ways you’re a blessing to me: I appreciate so many things about you—especially… I cherish you, and I cherish our friendship. It means so much […]

What were the trials of Odysseus?

What were the trials of Odysseus? Odysseus faces many challenges on his journey home. To name a few: his sailors are captivated by teh lotus-eaters, he engages in battle with Polyphemus the cyclops, he is caught in a storm sent by Poseidon, and he is captivated by the Sirens. His entire journey home is ridden […]

What can we learn from Achilles?

What can we learn from Achilles? Achilles knows that if he stays and enters the battle, he will be remembered forever for his exploits, but will die in battle, never to return home. If he returns home instead of entering the battle, he will live a long life but his legacy will die with him. […]

How long does it take to complete CPA Australia?

How long does it take to complete CPA Australia? six years How do you write BEC written communication? In order to do well on the BEC Written Communications questions, its important to know what the graders are looking for in a well written response: Clear. Concise. On topic. Proper grammar. Complete sentences. Organization. Supporting details. […]

How do you write a formal opinion letter?

How do you write a formal opinion letter? Make sure your letter includes: the date it was written. a salutation or greeting (who the letter is to) an introduction explaining your topic and opinion. a body with reasons that support your opinion. a conclusion restating your opinion or telling why it is important. closing. your […]

Who was the last person killed in Vietnam?

Who was the last person killed in Vietnam? Charles McMahon What country has lost the most wars? US How many Korean vets are still alive? 2.25 million Korean Are all ww2 vets died? Yielding to the inalterable process of aging, the men and women who fought and won the great conflict are now in their […]

How do I print two 5×7 on one page in Word?

How do I print two 5×7 on one page in Word? Similarly one may ask, how do I print two 5×7 invitations on one page? Click File > Print. In the Printer list, select the printer you want to use. Under Settings, in the Pages drop-down list, select Multiple pages per sheet and the number […]

Why is minimum wage inefficient?

Why is minimum wage inefficient? The minimum wage also interferes with the allocative function of the labor market, which could lead to an inefficient allocation of workers to jobs (Friedman and Stigler, 1946; Lott, 1990). Even if the increase in the minimum wage has no impact on total employment, it can cause inefficient rationing. Does […]

Can I sleep 30 minutes after eating?

Can I sleep 30 minutes after eating? Experts recommend waiting at least three hours after you’ve eaten to go to bed. This allows your body time to digest your food so you’re not up at night with an upset stomach, indigestion or heartburn. That being said, don’t forego a meal to follow this rule. Do […]

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