What is the kid definition of photosynthesis?

What is the kid definition of photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process in which green plants use sunlight to make their own food. Photosynthesis is necessary for life on Earth. Without it there would be no green plants, and without green plants there would be no animals. Interactive. Photosynthesis requires sunlight, chlorophyll, water, and carbon dioxide gas …

Which definition best describes photosynthesis?

The definition of photosynthesis is the process through which plants use water and carbon dioxide to create their food, grow and release excess oxygen into the air. noun. 3.

What is the relationship between the light-dependent and light independent stage of photosynthesis?

In the light-dependent reactions, energy from sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll and that energy is converted into stored chemical energy. In the light-independent reactions, the chemical energy harvested during the light-dependent reactions drives the assembly of sugar molecules from carbon dioxide.

What is chlorophyll Kid Definition?

Kids Definition of chlorophyll : the green coloring matter found mainly in the chloroplasts of plants that absorbs energy from sunlight to produce carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water during photosynthesis.

What are 5 facts about photosynthesis?

10 Facts on Photosynthesis

  • The green color of leaves is due to chlorophyll.
  • The two main parts of a chloroplast are the grana and stroma.
  • The first stage of photosynthesis captures energy from the sun to break down water molecules.
  • The second stage of photosynthesis is the Calvin cycle.

What is the importance of photosynthesis to life?

Photosynthesis is important to living organisms because it is the number one source of oxygen in the atmosphere. Without photosynthesis, the carbon cycle could not occur, oxygen-requiring life would not survive and plants would die.

How does photosynthesis process benefit man society and the environment?

Green plants and trees use photosynthesis to make food from sunlight, carbon dioxide and water in the atmosphere: It is their primary source of energy. The importance of photosynthesis in our life is the oxygen it produces. Without photosynthesis there would be little to no oxygen on the planet.

What is the main purpose of light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?

The main function of light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis is to produce ATP molecules through oxidation-reduction reactions and chemiosmosis reactions in chloroplasts.

Why is chlorophyll important for photosynthesis for kids?

One of the most important pigments in nature is chlorophyll. It plays an essential role in photosynthesis, the process by which plants, algae, and certain microorganisms convert light energy from the Sun into the chemical energy of food.

Why is chlorophyll green for kids?

Chlorophyll absorbs the light energy from the sun, which is important for plants to make food through photosynthesis. The reason that we see plants as green is because the chlorophyll in them absorbs the other colors and reflects the color green back to our eyes.

What is photosynthesis for kids?

Photosynthesis Facts For Kids Photosynthesis is the process that enables plants to get energy from the sun. Light energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy by chlorophyll. Chlorophyll gives plants their green colour. Photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts, cells found in the leaves

What is photosynthesis and why is it important?

Photosynthesis is the process in which green plants use sunlight to make their own food. Photosynthesis is necessary for life on Earth. Without it there would be no green plants, and without green plants there would be no animals. Photosynthesis requires sunlight, chlorophyll, water, and carbon dioxide gas.

What is needed for photosynthesis to occur?

Photosynthesis requires sunlight, chlorophyll, water, and carbon dioxide gas. Chlorophyll is a substance in all green plants, especially in the leaves. Plants take in water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air.

What is the process of photosynthesis in plants?

The process During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide (CO 2) and water (H 2 O) from the air and soil. Within the plant cell, the water is oxidized, meaning it loses electrons, while the carbon dioxide is reduced, meaning it gains electrons. This transforms the water into oxygen and the carbon dioxide into glucose.

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