Who is the author of the work Thus Spoke Zarathustra?

Who is the author of the work Thus Spoke Zarathustra?

Friedrich Nietzsche
Much of the book purports to be what Zarathustra said, and it repeats the refrain, “Thus spoke Zarathustra.”…Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

Title page of the first three-book edition
Author Friedrich Nietzsche
Original title Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen
Country Germany
Language German

Can a beginner read Thus Spoke Zarathustra?

NO. It’s not a good idea. Zarathustra should neither be a first or last book, that is, if you’re reading Nietzsche or philosophy in general. It’s very poetic, and quite full of parables and aphorisms.

What is the best version of Thus Spoke Zarathustra?

Thomas Common version
If you’re interested in the novel, I strongly recommend the Thomas Common version. It seems to be the most accurate depiction and most detailed of Nietzsche’s philosophical lectures and views in the novel itself. I cannot think of one book that has more influence on me than Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

What grade level is Thus Spoke Zarathustra?

Thus Spake Zarathustra

Interest Level Reading Level ATOS
Grades 9 – 12 n/a n/a

Did Nietzsche write Thus Spoke Zarathustra in 10 days?

That being said, the book is also extremely uneven. Nietzsche wrote it in ten- day bursts of inspiration, and it is clear that he didn’t revise his work very carefully.

Who was Nietzsche and what did he do?

Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher who became one of the most influential of all modern thinkers. His attempts to unmask the motives that underlie traditional Western religion, morality, and philosophy deeply affected generations of theologians, philosophers, psychologists, poets, novelists, and playwrights.

Which book should I start Nietzsche?

In his 1886 work Beyond Good & Evil, Nietzsche attempts to sum up his own philosophy — making it an ideal starting point for those looking to delve into Nietzsche’s actual writings.

Which translation of Nietzsche is best?

The Walter Kaufmann translation is generally considered as being the go to translation. It has been noted for being faithful to Nietzsche’s writing and for overall staying true to the text by best representing the nuances and the language.

What is the meaning of Thus Spoke Zarathustra?

Zarathustra is essentially a man who praises laughter, and who is able even to laugh at himself. That being said, the book is also extremely uneven. Nietzsche wrote it in ten- day bursts of inspiration, and it is clear that he didn’t revise his work very carefully.

What Nietzsche book should I read first?

With Nietzsche, you could start with his first book, The Birth of Tragedy. This is both informative and readable (and short), and gives an insight into his entire project. Then you could cut to his late little books Ecce Homo and The Antichrist.

Is Thus Spoke Zarathustra a good read?

Thus Spoke Zarathustra is perhaps Nietzsche’s most enduringly well-read work with non-academics. In it, Nietzsche chooses to express his ideas through the voice of the ancient Persian prophet Zarathustra (aka Zoroaster).

Who wrote Thus Spoke Zarathustra?

Thus Spoke Zarathustra F. Nietzsche (Editor: Bill Chapko) Published:2010 Categories(s): Tag(s):Nietzsche Existentialism Buddhism Zen Philosophy 1 Title Page THUS SPOKE ZARATHUSTRA

What did Zarathustra say about man?

Prologue (4) 4 Zarathustra, however, looked at the people and wondered. Then he spoke thus: Man is a rope stretched between animal and overman – a rope over an abyss. A dangerous crossing, a dangerous on-the-way, a dangerous looking- back, a dangerous trembling and stopping.

Why is Nietzsche’s Zarathustra difficult to publish?

In a letter, Nietzsche wonders if Louise can long stand his “anti-democratic” ideas and his aphorisms about wo- men.[5] (1885) Difficulties start with his anti-Semitic publisher, Sch- meitzner who refuses to publishZarathustra 4.

What does Zarathustra say about shaking a tree?

Zarathustra thereupon laid hold of the tree beside which the youth sat, 37 and spoke thus: “If I wished to shake this tree with my hands, I should not be able to do so. But the wind, which we see not, troubles and bends it as it tilts.

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