Which data type can hold any type of data in VBA?

Which data type can hold any type of data in VBA?

The data type can either be an integer, text, decimal, Boolean, etc., whereas the variable level can be either procedure level, module-level, or public scoop. Variables should be declared using Dim. These Variables are stored under many Data Types, and are declared using Dim.

What are the different types of data types in Excel VBA?

Variable Data Types

  • Integer: Used to store number values that won’t take on decimal form.
  • Single: Used to store number values that may take on decimal form.
  • Double: A longer form of the single variable.
  • Date: Stores date values.
  • String: Stores text.
  • Boolean: Used to store binary results (True/False, 1/0)

What is Variant data type in VBA?

A Variant is a special data type that can contain any kind of data except fixed-length String data. (Variant types now support user-defined types.) A Variant can also contain the special values Empty, Error, Nothing, and Null.

What is the return type of Function in VBA?

To return a value using Exit Function or End Function When you execute an Exit Function or End Function statement, Visual Basic returns the value most recently assigned to the procedure’s name.

What data can hold any type of data?

Data is classified into types, such as a set of whole numbers (also known as integers) or a set of printing characters….Data types.

Data type Example Size
Integer (whole number) 4, 27, 65535 1 to 8 bytes
Floating point (decimal number) 4.2, 27.4, 5.63 4 to 8 bytes
Character a, F, 3, $, £, # 1 byte

Why DIM is used in VBA?

VBA DIM statement stands for “declare” that you must use when you need to declare a variable. When you use it, it tells VBA that you are declaring a specific name as a variable as assigning a specific data type to it. It can be used to declare the following: Basic Variables.

What is Variant data type in VB with example?

The variant data type can be used to define variables that contain any type of data. A tag is stored with the variant data to identify the type of data that it currently contains. You can examine the tag by using the VarType function.

What is user defined function in VBA?

A User Defined Function is a procedure (a group of commands) written in VBA that (usually) accepts inputs and returns a result. A UDF cannot modify the formatting of a cell or workbook or move values around on a worksheet.

What does dim do in VBA?

VBA DIM statement stands for “declare” that you must use when you need to declare a variable. When you use it, it tells VBA that you are declaring a specific name as a variable as assigning a specific data type to it.

What is a VBA type statement?

The Type statement defines a new user-defined data type containing one or more variables (basic VBA data types, custom Types or objects including custom VBA Classes). VBA Types fill the gap between native basic VBA data types such as Strings, Integers, Booleans etc. and custom objects – VBA Classes. Type declarations can only consist of variables.

What is other income in income statement?

Other income that records in the income statement normally refers to the types of incomes that are not related to or generate from the main operation of an entity. Those incomes included a gain on disposal of assets, gain on revaluation of assets, interest incomes from sales on credit which is overdue, interest from the savings account,

How to use the integer data type in Excel VBA?

Follow the below steps to use the Integer data type in Excel VBA. Step 1: Define a new variable with data type as an integer so that it can store integer value under a new sub-procedure. Step 2: Assign value as 5.7 to a variable named “intVar” using the assignment operator.

What is a data type of a variable in VBA?

You might have defined different variables during your VBA journey till now. But, have you ever given a thought on the data types those variables have? A Data Type of a variable is something that tells your system about the type of data you store with the help of some variables.

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