What words does Indonesian use from English?

What words does Indonesian use from English?

Still other words taken into modern English from Malay/Indonesian probably have other origins (e.g., “satay” from Tamil, or “ketchup” from Chinese)….From Minangkabau.

Word Meaning Original word
rendang rendang randang
sanak family sanak
semarak splendor semarak
silat silat (martial art) silek

Is English easy for Indonesian?

Native speakers of English will be relieved to learn that Indonesian is considered one of the easier languages for English speakers to learn because of Indonesian’s relatively simple grammar and vocabulary and its use of the Latin alphabet, unlike many other Asian languages.

What is the hardest Indonesian word to pronounce?

perpustakaan. (n) library. ruang perpustakaan dengan meja tulis. library room with desks.

  • trotoar. (n) sidewalk. Berjalan di trotoar itu aman.
  • khatulistiwa. (n) Equator.
  • introspeksi. (n) introspection.
  • musyawarah. (n) deliberation.
  • kewarganegaraan. (n) citizenship.
  • pemberdayaan. (n) empowerment.
  • penyelenggaraan. (n) implementation.
  • How Indonesia got its name?

    Although Indonesia did not become the country’s official name until the time of independence, the name was used as early as 1884 by a German geographer; it is thought to derive from the Greek indos, meaning “India,” and nesos, meaning “island.” After a period of occupation by the Japanese (1942–45) during World War II.

    Why does Indonesian have English words?

    Besides the influence from Indonesia’s close proximity to Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore (countries with English as an official language), Indonesians also see English as a worldly language valuable for travel in and out of Southeast Asia. Plus, internet access in Indonesia is and has been fast and cheap.

    What does Bodat mean?

    According to a user from Indonesia, the name Bodat is of Indonesian origin and means “monkey”.

    What does Bangke mean?

    Bangke is an Indonesian swear word that is commonly used amongst teenagers. Bangke is taken from the word “Bangkai” which means “carcass”. But, when it is put in a sentence or expression, Banke is a word that shows disappointment and regret that is quite similar to the word “d*mn” or “sh*t” in English.

    Is Indonesia easier than Spanish?

    Spanish is harder because of its complex verb-changing system as English has unique pronunciation. Verbs never change in gender-neutral Indonesian, pronunciation is similar to Latin (hence I have no difficulty with Spanish pronunciation, including those rolling ‘rr’s), word order are always Subject-Verb-Object .

    What are some Indonesian words?

    Masjid (pronounce: mas-jid) – mosque

  • Masygul (pronounce: mas-gul) – sad,crazy (note: the ‘y’ is mute)
  • Musyawarah (pronounce: mu-sya-wa-rah) – deliberation
  • Masyarakat (pronounce: ma-sya-ra-kat) – residents,citizen
  • Dahsyat (pronounce: dah-syat) – powerful (note: the ‘h’ is mute)
  • Makhluk (pronounce: makh-luk) – creature (note: the first ‘k’ is mute)
  • What is the most offensive word in Indonesian?

    Jomblo: Jomblo Ngenes.

  • Sakitnya Tuh Disini: Means your heart is hurt because of something undesirable
  • Meriang (Merindukan Kasih Sayang); Means you are missing the beloved one or his/her love feeling
  • Fap-fap: You’re erecting or masturbating,usually it’s used in vulgar context
  • Jap-japan: This word originated from JAV (Japanese Adult Video).
  • What are some translated words for Indonesians?

    Semoga berhasil! Good luck!

  • Get well soon! Semoga cepat sembuh!
  • Selamat pagi! Morning!/Good morning!
  • Selamat malam! Good evening or Good night!
  • Selamat! Congratulations!
  • Selamat tidur! Sleep tight!
  • Selamat Natal! Merry Christmast!
  • Selamat Idul Fitri! Eid Mubarak/Happy Eid!
  • Selamat bersenang- senang! Have fun!
  • Mimpi indah! Have a nice dream!
  • How to pronounce Indonesian words?

    N like nd in “band”

  • R like r in ” super”
  • dengaN = with
  • besaR = big
  • BA like bu in “but”
  • BI like bee in “bee”
  • BU like boo in ” booking”
  • BE like pe in “perfect”
  • BE like pe in “pet”
  • BÒ like bo in “boss”
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