What is the reference angle for 292?

What is the reference angle for 292?

Trigonometry Examples Add 360° 360 ° to −292° – 292 ° . The resulting angle of 68° 68 ° is positive and coterminal with −292° – 292 ° . Since 68° is in the first quadrant, the reference angle is 68° .

What is the reference angle of 295?

Reference angle for 295°: 65°

How do you find the reference angle?

In order to find its reference angle, we first need to find its corresponding angle between 0° and 360°. This is easy to do. We just keep subtracting 360 from it until it’s below 360. For instance, if our angle is 544°, we would subtract 360° from it to get 184° (544° – 360° = 184°).

What is the reference angle for 275?

Precalculus Examples Since the angle 275° is in the fourth quadrant, subtract 275° from 360° .

What is the reference angle of 300?

60 degrees
360 – 300 = 60 degrees. The reference angle for 300 is 60 degrees.

What is the reference angle of 1200?

Clearly, 240° is close to 180° and by 60°. Therefore, the reference angle of -1200° is 60°.

What is the reference angle of 120?

Since the angle 120° is in the second quadrant, subtract 120° from 180° .

What is the reference angle of 210?

The reference angle is found by calculating the difference between θ and the x-axis. In this problem, 210 is closest to 180, so 210∘−180∘=30∘ .

What is the reference angle of 276 degrees?

Since the angle 276° is in the fourth quadrant, subtract 276° from 360° .

Is 270 degrees a straight angle?

A 180° angle is called a straight angle. Angles such as 270 degrees which are more than 180 but less than 360 degrees are called reflex angles. A 360° angle is called a complete angle.

What is the reference angle for 330?

Since 330 is thirty less than 360, and since 360° = 0°, then the angle 330° is thirty degrees below (that is, short of) the positive x-axis, in the fourth quadrant. So its reference angle is 30°.

What is the reference angle for 570?

Subtract 360° 360 ° from 570° 570 ° . The resulting angle of 210° 210 ° is positive, less than 360° 360 ° , and coterminal with 570° 570 ° .

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