What is the meaning of divine intervention?

What is the meaning of divine intervention?

Divine intervention is the interference of a deity in human life, popularly extended to any miraculous-seeming turn of events.

What is another word for divine intervention?

What is another word for divine intervention?

providence fate
accident serendipity
coincidence predestination
stars predetermination
circumstances astral influence

What is the full meaning divine?

1 : of or relating to God or a god divine will. 2 : being in praise of God : religious, holy divine worship. 3 : like a god The pharaohs of ancient Egypt were considered divine.

How do you get divine intervention?

Divine intervention is an event that occurs when a deity (i.e. God or a god) becomes actively involved in changing some situation in human affairs.

What does pantheism teach about God?

Pantheism is the view that the world is either identical to God, or an expression of God’s nature. It comes from ‘pan’ meaning all, and ‘theism,’ which means belief in God. So according to pantheism, “God is everything and everything is God.”

How do you use divine intervention in a sentence?

Some people want you to believe that the bad things that happen in the world are divine intervention for our sins. When the stranger suddenly pulled Sarah back from the path of the speeding truck, she took it as divine intervention . The only way we’re going to win this game is through an act of divine intervention !

What is an example of divine?

Divine means relating to God or extremely good. An example of divine is the nature of Jesus. An example of divine is a person who always follows religious and moral codes of conduct.

Whats the opposite of divine intervention?

Noun. Opposite of act of god. human intervention. human action. human activity.

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