What is the difference between Trabeculotomy and trabeculectomy?

What is the difference between Trabeculotomy and trabeculectomy?

The basic indications for the surgery were as follows: Trabeculectomy was indicated for the cases with moderate to severe visual field loss or need of lower postoperative intraocular pressure, and trabeculotomy indicated for those with early stage of POAG.

Is trabeculectomy a major operation?

Trabeculectomy is a very delicate operation that requires an operating room, local anesthesia of the eye, an anesthesiologist, and about an hour of operating time. It is successful about 60-80 percent of the time in controlling the eye pressure during a period of five years.

What is a trabeculectomy in the eye?

Trabeculectomy is a type of glaucoma surgery performed on the eye that creates a new pathway for fluid inside the eye to be drained. This is an outpatient procedure performed in the operating room. It is used to prevent worsening of vision loss due to glaucoma by lowering eye pressure.

What is trabeculectomy and MMC?

Brief Summary: Trabeculectomy with mitomycin C remains the standard surgery for glaucoma. This surgery involves creating a door in the eye wall in order to improve fluid outflow and decrease intraocular pressure. However, success rates range from 70% to 90% depending on the criteria used and tend to decrease with time.

What is the difference between iridotomy and iridectomy?

Iridectomy, is a procedure to remove a part of the iris, which is the colored circular membrane behind the cornea of the eye. Earlier this was performed surgically (surgical iridectomy). However, now the procedure is in most cases performed with a laser (laser iridotomy).

What are the side effects of trabeculectomy?

What are the risks of a trabeculectomy?

  • postoperative infection.
  • drooping eyelid.
  • double vision.
  • swelling.
  • bleeding.
  • developing a hole near the operation site.
  • scarring.
  • low IOP (hypotony)

Is a trabeculectomy painful?

How the eye will feel. You may have some watering, sandy sensation or blurring of vision after trabeculectomy, but this should clear within a few days. Soreness and irritation may occur from the sutures or because of the surgery itself. These sensations generally reduce within a few days.

When is a trabeculectomy performed?

Your doctor may recommend a trabeculectomy if your IOP is unresponsive to standard glaucoma treatments like prescription eye drops or medication. Trabeculectomy is used to create a new channel, or “bleb,” through which fluid can drain from the eye.

Is trabeculectomy a laser surgery?

The fluid is reabsorbed from the bleb by the tissues and veins around it. Many patients require a short laser procedure in the office after surgery to break the sutures to the edge of the flap. This laser allows the trabeculectomy to work better.

How do you prepare mitomycin C 0.22 for trabeculectomy?

To prepare the MMC injection, the surgeon used a 20-ug preparation starting with MMC 0.4 mg/mL, diluting 0.1 mL of MMC (40 μg) in 0.1 mL of lidocaine (1:1, total volume of 0.2 mL). Half of that solution (0.1 mL of MMC:lidocaine [20 μg]) was used for injection.

What is mitomycin C in eye surgery?

Mitomycin C is an antimetabolite applied between the sclera and conjunctiva during the initial stages of a trabeculectomy to prevent excessive post-operative scarring and thus reduce the risk of failure.

Is trabeculectomy safe?

It is important to be patient as you recover from trabeculectomy, but report any symptoms that are out of the ordinary. There are risks to this surgery, as with any medical procedure. If your ophthalmologist determines that trabeculectomy is necessary, the benefits outweigh the costs and risks. What is Trabeculectomy?

How long does a trabeculectomy take?

Trabeculectomies typically take between 45 and 60 minutes. Day after surgery: You can spend time in a recovery room after the procedure, ensuring that your eye is stable and allowing time for sedation or the anesthesia to wear off. Then, you can go home. Be sure to get someone to drive you as you will not be able to drive safely.

Is a trabeculectomy the best way to lower intraocular pressure?

While a trabeculectomy is the gold-standard surgery for lowering intraocular pressure for glaucoma patients, it does have drawbacks and failures. Other surgical procedures include minimally invasive glaucoma surgery, canaloplasty, and trabectome.

What is a trabeculectomy for glaucoma?

Trabeculectomy is one of the more intensive surgical procedures, so your ophthalmologist will likely try other methods of managing your fluid pressure first. Still, this is an important surgical option to treat glaucoma, and many people successfully undergo this operation.

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