What is the difference between tektite and meteorite?

What is the difference between tektite and meteorite?

Tektites are formed when a comet or meteorite collides with the earth – or moon – with such force that melted rock is “splattered” into the upper atmosphere. Here the droplets cool and harden into the shiny glassy shapes we call tektites.

What is meteorite tektite?

Tektites are small, pebble-like glassy objects of Earth material that have been melted by meteorite impact, splashed up into our atmosphere, and fallen to Earth again under gravity. They often acquire aerodynamic shapes when they partially melt on their return journey.

What are the properties of a tektite?

Tektites are not gemstones as we usually understand them….Tektite Geological Properties.

Mineral Information Glass, with relicts of other materials
Color Blacks; yellowish greens to greens to green-blacks; some browns
Hardness 0 to 5-1/2 (Mohs)
Specific Gravity 2.34 – 2.51
Refractive Index 1.490 – 1.520

Are tektite meteorites magnetic?

There are many stones that people confuse with tektites, fortunately most are easily eliminated. The first thing to bear in mind is that tektites are a homogenous glass. They are not magnetic and never attract a magnet.

What is the rarest tektite?

By far the most rarest are those from the Ivory Coast strewnfield. These are believed to have been formed during the impact event which created Bosumtwi Meteorite Crater in Ghana. It has been many years since Ivory Coast Tektites have been seen for sale and they have always been the hardest for collectors to get.

What stones are tektites?


  • Javanite. The name tektite is derived from the Greek tektos, or melted.
  • Australite button.
  • Obsidian.
  • Tektite (Muong Nong-type)
  • Moldavite.
  • Libyan Desert Glass.
  • Major Strewnfields.
  • Philippinite.

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