What is the description of the fever in Kawasaki disease?

What is the description of the fever in Kawasaki disease?

The first sign of Kawasaki Disease is a high fever (over 101°F, and often as high as 104°F) that lasts more than 4 days. Over the next several days (not all at once), these other key signs may occur: The hands and feet get very red and swollen, especially the palms and the soles.

What are the key symptoms of Kawasaki disease?


  • A rash on the main part of the body or in the genital area.
  • An enlarged lymph node in the neck.
  • Extremely red eyes without a thick discharge.
  • Red, dry, cracked lips and an extremely red, swollen tongue.

Is Kawasaki treatable?

Kawasaki disease is treated in hospital as it can cause serious complications. Treatment should begin as soon as possible. It may take longer for your child to recover if Kawasaki disease isn’t treated promptly. Their risk of developing complications will also be increased.

What can mimic Kawasaki?

Diseases with features that are similar to Kawasaki disease include: Viral infections such as rubeola, roseola, rubella, adenovirus, and others. Bacterial infections such as streptococcal scarlet fever, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, toxic shock syndrome, and mycoplasma infection.

Can you have Kawasaki without fever?

Diagnostic criteria of Kawasaki disease In spite of rarely reported cases of Kawasaki disease without fever12), a diagnosis of complete Kawasaki disease is not difficult in typical cases without regard to a selected criteria.

Is Kawasaki rash Blanchable?

polymorphous skin rash – usually begins in the nappy area (where there may be desquamation early in the disease) and spreads to involve the trunk, extremities and face. Rash may be maculopapular, annular or scarlatiniform. Non-blanching or vesicular rashes are not usually seen.

What does Kawasaki disease rash look like?

Rash – the rash of Kawasaki disease may be morbilliform (measles-like), maculopapular (red patches and bumps), erythematous (red skin) or target-like and may be persistent over days or evanescent. Skin peeling may occur in the convalescent stage of the illness.

What are the diagnostic criteria for Kawasaki disease in children?

Atypical Kawasaki disease should be considered, and testing should be initiated if the child has had ≥ 5 days of fever > 39° C (about 102.2° F) plus ≥ 2 of the 5 criteria for Kawasaki disease. Laboratory tests are not diagnostic but may be done to exclude other disorders.

What is the prevalence of Kawasaki disease?

Introduction Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute febrile vasculitis. The peak incidence of KD is from 6 months to 2 years of age, which includes approximately 50% of all KD patients1,2).

What is the abbreviation for Kawasaki disease?

Kawasaki Disease. Minus. Related Pages. Kawasaki disease (KD), also known as Kawasaki syndrome, is an acute febrile illness of unknown cause that primarily affects children younger than 5 years of age. The disease was first described in Japan by Tomisaku Kawasaki in 1967, and the first cases outside of Japan were reported in Hawaii in 1976.

What is the pathophysiology of Kawasaki disease?

Kawasaki disease is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children. Extravascular tissue also may become inflamed, including the upper respiratory tract, pancreas, biliary tract, kidneys, mucous membranes, and lymph nodes.

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