What is short story and give example?

What is short story and give example?

A short story typically takes the form of a brief fictional work, usually written in prose. Anecdotes, fables, fairy tales, and parables are all examples of the oral storytelling tradition that helped to shape the short story, such as ‘The Painting of the Dog and His Reflection’ from ‘Aesop’s Fables’. …

What is the example of short story?

While “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” is certainly one of the most famous examples of short stories, other tales such as Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Lottery Ticket” by Anton Chekhov also fall into this category. Read on to enjoy several examples of short stories for children and adults.

How many sentences are in a short story?

So what is a short story? Short stories can be anything from 5 words. Anything under 500 words tends to be labelled ‘flash fiction’ or ‘micro fiction’ (although some would argue it’s still a short story) and anything over 6000 is moving into novelette or novella territory.

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