What element has only 3 electrons?

What element has only 3 electrons?

So… for the element of LITHIUM, you already know that the atomic number tells you the number of electrons. That means there are 3 electrons in a lithium atom.

What type of atom has 3 electrons?

lithium atom
A lithium atom, for example, has three electrons. It has two in the first shell and one in the second shell.

What is the 3rd electron shell called?

The third electron shell, 3n, also contains an s orbital and three p orbitals, and the third-row elements of the periodic table place their electrons in these orbitals, much as second-row elements do for the 2n shell.

What element has 3 electrons in the outer shell?

Answer. boron is the required element as per ur question.

How many orbitals are in period 3?

Therefore, there are 3 atomic orbitals in the 3p sublevel. In any d-subshell, there are and 5 atomic orbitals. Therefore, there are 5 atomic orbitals in the 3d sublevel.

What element has 3 electrons 3 protons and 4 neutrons?

A lithium atom contains 3 protons in its nucleus irrespective of the number of neutrons or electrons. Notice that because the lithium atom always has 3 protons, the atomic number for lithium is always 3. The mass number, however, is 6 in the isotope with 3 neutrons, and 7 in the isotope with 4 neutrons.

What is the element with 3 protons?

An atom with three protons is a lithium atom, an atom with five protons is a boron atom, an atom with six protons is a carbon atom . . . the list goes on.

How many electrons are in the third shell?

18 electrons
The third shell holds 18 electrons; 2 in a 3s orbital; 6 in three 3p orbitals; and 10 in five 3d orbitals.

Which element has 3 electron shells and 7 valence electrons?

The 3s23p5 electrons are the outermost electrons, so chlorine has seven valence electrons.

What element has 3 electrons in the 2nd energy level?


Atomic Number Element Energy Levels or “shells”
2 Helium (He) 2
3 Lithium (Li) 2
4 Beryllium (Be) 2
5 Boron (B) 2

What atom has 3 electrons?

What elements have 3 atomic shells? A lithium atom, for example, has three electrons. It has two in the first shell and one in the second shell. A carbon atom has six electrons. It has two in the first shell and four in the second shell. Does carbon have 3 electron shells?

How many electrons are in the n 3 level?

What is the maximum number of electrons in n 3? Answer and Explanation: The maximum number of electrons that can be contained in the n = 3 level is 18. This electron shell has enough energy to contain three sublevels: s, p

What element has 3 protons and 4 neutrons?

3: Lithium has 3 protons, 4 neutrons and 3 electrons: 4: Beryllium has 4

What is the number of electrons in N3?

There are 16 valence electrons for the Lewis structure for N3-. You should take formal charges into account with the Lewis structure for N3- to find the best structure for the molecule. Also note that you should put the N3- Lewis structure in brackets with as 1- on the outside to show that it is an ion with a negative one charge.

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