What do the leaves of a begonia look like?
All begonias have oval-shaped leaves that can be spade-like with a pointed tip in some varieties. The leaves grow from the main stem in an “alternate” structure. This means they never grow opposite one another, but instead each individual leaf emerges slightly higher on the stem than the previous.
Which kind of leaf is found in begonia?
The leaves of a tuberous begonia are oval and green and grow about eight inches long. They are in a compact habit like a little bonsai shrub and grow from swollen soft stems. The leaves are glossy and will die back when temperature drops or the season changes.
Should I trim the leaves on my begonia?
The begonia foliage should be trimmed back, and the tubers can be dried and stored in a cool, dry location through winter, just as canna or dahlia bulbs are stored. Fibrous rooted and rhizomatous begonias do not die back once a year like tuberous begonias.
Why are the leaves on my begonias?
Watering. The most common cause of brown leaf edges is that your Begonia is incredibly dry. Your Begonia likes consistent moisture.
How can you tell if a begonia is tuberous or rhizomatous begonia?
Gently dig up your begonia and take a look at the roots. Fibrous-rooted begonias will look stringy; rhizomatous will have creeping surface stems and roots; and tuberous begonias have a round, flattened brown tuber that looks, well, a lot like a cow pie!
How do you identify begonia?
Identify shrub-type begonias by their upright growing habit and branching stems. Look for velvet-textured, hairy leaf surfaces to spot these little-known begonias. Shrub begonias grow from many shoots and are very multi-stemmed.
How do you make begonias bushy?
General Pruning Pinch the stems back to the first or second healthy bud from the tip. You can repeat this process two or three times at about four week intervals to encourage maximum bushiness. Pinching forces the begonia to branch at the pinch point, resulting in more stems, leaves and flowers.
Why do begonia leaves curl?
Overwatering, inadequate water quality, and light exposure are the main culprits for causing the leaves of your Begonia to curl. Often, all that is needed is to check the amount, and quality, of water being fed, as well as the position of the plant. Easy! Diseases or insect infestations can also cause leaves to curl.
Why are my begonia leaves curling under?
Temperature – Since many begonia plants are native to tropical regions, curling begonia leaves may occur when plants have been exposed to wide temperature change. Ideally, the plants will grow best when temperatures do not fall below 60 F.
What does a tuberous begonia look like?
An orange tuberous begonia. Tuberous begonias are popular for their beautiful flowers that come in a variety of colors and forms. Red, orange, yellow, white, salmon and pink blooms may be single or double and may be plain, ruffled or toothed. Their petals may have margins, crests or blotches of contrasting color.