What area is HP4?

What area is HP4?


Postcode district Post town Local authority area(s)
HP4 BERKHAMSTED Dacorum, Buckinghamshire
HP5 CHESHAM Buckinghamshire
HP6 AMERSHAM Buckinghamshire
HP7 AMERSHAM Buckinghamshire

What area does HP postcode cover?

This map of HP postcode districts covers Hemel Hempstead, Aylesbury, Amersham, Beaconsfield, High Wycombe and other towns with the context of urban shading and major roads.

What county is Berkhamsted in UK?

Berkhamsted, town (parish), Dacorum borough, administrative and historic county of Hertfordshire, southeastern England, 28 miles (45 km) northwest of London.

What area is HP6?

The HP6 postcode area is located in the Hemel Hempstead postcode town region, within the county of Buckinghamshire, and contains a total of 807 individual postcodes.

What areas are in Slough?

Original villages that are now suburbs of Slough include Chalvey, Cippenham, Colnbrook, Langley, Poyle, Upton, and Wexham. Named neighbourhoods include Brands Hill, Britwell, Huntercombe, Manor Park, Salt Hill, Upton Lea and Windsor Meadows.

Which region is Hertfordshire in?

East of England region
Geography. Hertfordshire is the county immediately north of London and is part of the East of England region, a mainly statistical unit. To the east is Essex, to the west is Buckinghamshire and to the north are Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.

Which part of Hertfordshire is Berkhamsted in?

Bulbourne valley
Berkhamsted (/ˈbɜːrkəmstɛd/ BUR-kəm-sted) is a historic market town in Hertfordshire, England, in the Bulbourne valley, 26 miles (42 km) northwest of London. The town is a civil parish with a town council within the borough of Dacorum which is based in the neighbouring large new town of Hemel Hempstead.

What postcode is Hu?

The HU postcode area, also known as the Hull postcode area, is a group of twenty postcode districts in England, which are subdivisions of eight post towns. These cover the south of the East Riding of Yorkshire, including Hull, Beverley, Cottingham, Hessle, Hornsea, Withernsea, Brough and North Ferriby.

How many Muslims are in Slough?

Figures from the 2011 census showed that 41.2% of Slough’s population identified as Christian, 23.3% as Muslim, 10.6% as Sikh, 6.2% as Hindu, 0.5% as Buddhist, 0.1% as Jewish, 0.3% as having other religions, 12.1% as having no religion and 5.7% did not answer the question.

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