What are the cardinal numbers in Spanish?

What are the cardinal numbers in Spanish?

When to Use Cardinal Numbers in Spanish “Cardinal numbers” is just a fancy name for the regular numbers we know and use, such as uno, dos and trés (one, two, and three). We use cardinal numbers in Spanish in the following situations: to tell the time when somebody asks “¿Qué hora es?” (“What time is it?”) to count.

How do you say all the numbers in Spanish 1 100?

Spanish Numbers 1-100

  1. uno(oo-no)
  2. dos(dose)
  3. tres(trace)
  4. cuatro(kwat-ro)
  5. cinco(sink-o)
  6. seis(saze)
  7. siete(see-yet-eh)
  8. ocho(och-o)

How do you count to 1000000 in Spanish?

So you’ll say:

  1. 1,000 – mil.
  2. 2,000 – dos mil.
  3. 3,000 – tres mil.
  4. 1,000,000 – un millón.

How do you count to 15 in Spanish?

Winston Churchill, a man to whom the fate of Britain was being entrusted, suffered from major depressive episodes that he used to call them Spanish numbers 1-20….

cero zero uno one dos two
doce twelve trece thirteen catorce fourteen
quince fifteen dieciséis sixteen diecisiete seventeen

What number is Cuarto?

Numbers in Spanish

number cardinal ordinal
4 cuatro cuarto /-a
5 cinco quinto /-a
6 seis sexto /-a
7 siete séptimo /-a

How do you count to 40 in Spanish?

Now that you’ve seen the Spanish numbers 1 to 50, you’re sure to be getting the hang of counting in Spanish!…Spanish numbers 21-50.

Numeral In Spanish
39 treinta y nueve
40 cuarenta
41 cuarenta y uno
42 cuarenta y dos

How Do You Spell 1120461 in Spanish?

one thousand one hundred twenty and four hundred sixty-one thousandths.

How do you count from 1 to 12 in Spanish?

There’s no real pattern, you just have to learn them: uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez, once, doce, trece, catorce, quince.

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