What are some ious words?

What are some ious words?

Words That End With IOUS

  • anxious.
  • bilious.
  • carious.
  • copious.
  • curious.
  • devious.
  • dubious.
  • envious.

What are some words ending in ious?

10-letter words that end in ious

  • suspicious.
  • mysterious.
  • infectious.
  • precarious.
  • victorious.
  • harmonious.
  • contagious.
  • nutritious.

Is Eous a suffix?

an adjectival suffix with the meanings “composed of,” “resembling, having the nature of,” occurring in loanwords from Latin (igneous; vitreous); also, as a semantically neutral suffix, found on adjectives of diverse origin, sometimes with corresponding nouns ending in -ty2 (beauteous; courteous; homogeneous).

How do you pronounce Eous?

  1. (General American) enPR: -ēəs, IPA: /-i.əs/
  2. (Received Pronunciation) enPR: -ĭəs, IPA: /-ɪəs/

Where did ious come from?

variant of -ous, added to stems of Latin origin, often with corresponding nouns ending in -ity: atrocious; hilarious.

What is an example of IOU?

Definition and Examples of an IOU To prove the existence of this debt agreement, you write “I will pay you back $1,000 on January 10, 2022” on paper and give it to that family friend. That handwritten note serves as an IOU—albeit, a very informal one since it does not outline any other repayment terms.

What does the prefix epi mean?

a prefix occurring in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “upon,” “on,” “over,” “near,” “at,” “before,” “after” (epicedium; epidermis; epigene; epitome); on this model, used in the formation of new compound words (epicardium; epinephrine).

What is EOU in export?

Export Oriented Units (EOUs) have been defined under the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) as those units undertaking to export their entire production of goods and services [except permissible sales in Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) for manufacture of goods, including repair, re-making, reconditioning, re-engineering, rendering …

What does reading for ious mean?

British Dictionary definitions for -ious -ious. suffix forming adjectives. characterized by or full ofambitious; religious; suspicious Compare -eous.

What are some words that end in IOUs?

12-letter words that end in ious. subconscious. rambunctious. ostentatious. multifarious. parsimonious. inauspicious. sacrilegious.

When do we use “Oi” and “Oy”?

We use both “oi” and “oy” to make the /oi/ sound. When that sound comes in the middle of a word, we use “oi”, like the word “soil.” If it comes at the end of the word, we will use “oy”, like the word “boy.”

How do you make the/oi/sound?

We use both “oi” and “oy” to make the /oi/ sound. When that sound comes in the middle of a word, we use “oi”, like the word “soil.” If it comes at the end of the word, we will use “oy”, like the word “boy.” The following lists will help you practise spelling the /oi/ sound in a mixture of “oi” and “oy” sounds.

What are some good Oi words for phonics?

1 OI Phonics Words List 2 Sentences with OI Words. Will you boil the kettle for tea? This garden’s soil is of good quality. He began to toil up the hill. 3 “OY” Phonics Words List 4 Sentences with OY Words. The cowboy has a loyal sheepdog. Troy enjoys his work as a busboy. The boy watches cricket on TV.

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