Is Varargin a cell array?

Is Varargin a cell array?

varargin is an empty cell array.

What is numArgs?

numArgs — Number of function inputs Number of function inputs, specified as a scalar. Typically, you use the nargin function to determine the number of input arguments specified in the function call.

How do you check the number of inputs in MATLAB?

Inputs to Current Function Use nargin in the body of the function to determine the number of inputs. At the command prompt, call the addme function with two inputs. Call the function with one input.

What does Nargout mean in MATLAB?

the number of function output arguments
nargout returns the number of function output arguments specified in the call to the currently executing function. Use this syntax in the body of a function only. example. nargout( fun ) returns the number of outputs that appear in the fun function definition.

In which case would you use Varargin?

For example, if you have written a function which sometimes plots a line plot and sometimes makes a bar plot depending on the value of some flag which the user passes in, but you don’t want to force the user to pass any flags (e.g. a sensible default is the line plot), varargin is a convenient way to handle this …

What is Varargin?

varargin{:} creates a comma-separated list. On the right hand side of your example, the syntax is being used to create function call arguments. On the left hand side, it is being used to assign function return values (not concatenation, thanks Stephen!)

What is the function Func_num_args () used for?

The func_num_args() function can return the number of arguments passed into current user-defined function. This function can generate a warning if called from outside of a user-defined function.

What is Func_get_args?

The func_get_args() function can return an array in which each element is a corresponding member of the current user-defined function’s argument list. This function can generate a warning if called from outside of function definition.

How do you find the number of elements in an array in MATLAB?

n = numel( A ) returns the number of elements, n , in array A , equivalent to prod(size(A)) .

What does Nargin do in MATLAB?

nargin returns the number of input arguments specified for a function. nargin(‘ fun ‘) returns the number of declared inputs for the M-file function fun or -1 if the function has a variable of input arguments. n argout returns the number of output arguments specified for a function.

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