Is Alibris owned by Amazon?

Is Alibris owned by Amazon?

As of February 2017, Alibris was owned by AM Holding Inc. (formerly Monsoon Commerce Inc.) In 2017 Alibris Holding sold off Monsoon Commerce of Portland and Stonegde Technologies of Collegeville, PA, and Alibris was subsequently sold in June 2017 to a private investor. The company remains privately owned.

How do you shop on Alibris?

Use the Alibris Advanced Search Page to narrow your search criteria and find your item!

  1. Add These Distinguishing Movies to Your Collection.
  2. With an active marketplace of over 270 million items, use the Alibris Advanced Search Page to find any item you are looking for.

Does Alibris buy books?

Sell more books, textbooks, and rare books We bring them to you – everyday shoppers looking for new or used books, plus librarians and serious bibliophiles on the hunt for foreign, out-of-print, obscure, and collectible titles.

Who is the CEO of Alibris?

Marty Manley
Marty Manley, CEO of Alibris, says that the web’s power to eliminate the barrier of geography flips the value of used inventory on its head.

Where is Alibris based?

Our facility in Sparks, NV.

Is Alibris independent?

After more than a decade of helping people find hard-to-find books, music, and movies Alibris has grown and changed a lot. From humble beginnings, we’ve grown to become the Internet’s largest independently owned and operated marketplace.

How fast does Alibris ship?

2 to 3 days
Items listed as shipping from Alibris are normally sent on the first business day after you order them. Items listed as shipping from independent sellers usually take 2 to 3 days to process before shipment, and items from non-U.S. and non-Canadian sellers may take up to three weeks to process.

Can I sell on Alibris?

Yes, sellers from all over the world are eligible to sell on Alibris. Alibris increases the shipping price of items for buyers of items listed by sellers outside the United States to help cover international shipping costs.

How long does Alibris take to ship?

Items listed as shipping from Alibris are normally sent on the first business day after you order them. Items listed as shipping from independent sellers usually take 2 to 3 days to process before shipment, and items from non-U.S. and non-Canadian sellers may take up to three weeks to process.

Does Alibris ship internationally?

International Shipping Process All orders shipped from the U.S. to an international destination are shipped via ISAL or International Surface Air Lift, which consolidates and delivers packages from the U.S. to international destinations, handing the package to your local postal system.

Is world of books owned by Amazon?

In 2021, Bridges sold a majority stake in World of Books to Livingbridge, a British private equity firm. They rebranded from World of Books to Wob in November of 2021.

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