How much is flight ticket from New York to Seattle?

How much is flight ticket from New York to Seattle?

Good to know

Low season January
Cheapest flight $123
Average price round-trip $320
Good deal round-trip $287
Good deal one-way $179

How far is a flight from Seattle to New York?

Flight Summary The flight time from Seattle to New York is 5 hours, 5 minutes. The time spent in the air is 4 hours, 37 minutes. The flight distance from Seattle to New York is 2422 Miles.

How much is flight from New York to Washington?

New York to Washington D.C. Flight Price

Cheapest return ticket price US$134 New York(LGA) β‡’ Washington D.C.(DCA)
Cheapest direct flight price US$346 New York(SWF) β‡’ Washington D.C.(IAD)
Peak season for travel June US$51
Off-season for travel January US$32

How long does it take to drive to Seattle from New York?

How long is the drive from New York, NY to Seattle, WA? The total driving time is 42 hours, 5 minutes.

Is Seattle close to New York?

The total driving distance from Seattle, WA to New York, NY is 2,852 miles or 4 590 kilometers. The total straight line flight distance from Seattle, WA to New York, NY is 2,408 miles. This is equivalent to 3 876 kilometers or 2,093 nautical miles.

How many days does it take to drive from Seattle to New York?

How long is the drive from Seattle, WA to New York, NY? The total driving time is 42 hours, 5 minutes.

Is New York cheap?

New York City is notoriously expensive, but that doesn’t mean you can’t stick to a budget. There are plenty of free things to do in NYC and other ways you can save money during your trip.

How many hours is Washington state from New York?

Distance from New York to Seattle, WA is approximately 3880 kilometers….Flights from New York to Seattle, WA β€’ Airlines & Flight Duration.

Airline & Journey Duration
American Airlines LGA ➝ SEA 8 hrs 15 mins

How long is a flight from New York to Washington?

Flying time from New York to Washington The total flight duration from New York to Washington is 5 hours, 4 minutes.

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