How much does a giraffe weigh?

How much does a giraffe weigh?

Giraffes are the tallest land mammals. Males range from 16-18 feet (4.8-5.5 m) tall and weigh as much as 4,200 pounds (1,900 kg); females reach 14-16 feet (4.3-4.8 m) tall and weigh up to 2,600 pounds (1,180 kg).

How much does a giraffes head weigh?

Average Weight That causes their necks to be heavy, usually between 500 and 600 pounds.

How much do giraffes necks weigh?

A giraffe could look into a second-story window without even having to stand on its tiptoes! A giraffe’s 6-foot (1.8-meter) neck weighs about 600 pounds (272 kilograms). The legs of a giraffe are also 6 feet (1.8 meters) long.

How much do giraffes weigh at birth?

Newborns are huge! Standing at around six feet, or 1.8 metres, tall and weighing around 50 to 70kg, these calves are anything but small. What’s more, baby giraffes grow up to 2.5cm every day during the first week of their lives, and will have roughly doubled in size by the time they celebrate their first birthday.

Do giraffes have 3 hearts?

How Many Hearts Do We Have? You surely know that humans and giraffes have just one heart, as most animals do—but not all. Octopuses and squids (animals called cephalopods) have three hearts. Two hearts pump blood to the gills to take up oxygen, and the other pumps blood around the body (Figure 1).

What do giraffes eat kid facts?

4) Herbivores, giraffes only eat plants. Their favourite grub is the acacia tree, and they use their long necks to reach the leaves and buds in the treetops. Their long tongues (which grow to a whopping 53cm!) also help them pull down leaves growing way up high. 5) And boy do these guys have an appetite!

Do giraffes have blue tongues?

Giraffe tongues are very long and have the ability to grab on to plants. They have thickened papillae and extra saliva on their prehensile tongues to protect them from sharp thorns and plants. The bluish coloring of their tongues is an extra level of defense for this important appendage.

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