How much does a DUI attorney cost in Alaska?

How much does a DUI attorney cost in Alaska?

$1500 is average. The State of Alaska estimates the real total costs of an average first offense to be about $22,740. Mandatory revocation of driving privileges for not less than 90 days.

How much does a lawyer cost in Alaska?

Average Attorney Fees by State

State Low Rate High Rate
Alaska $150 $300
Arizona $150 $300
Arkansas $150 $300
California $150 $420

How much is a DUI in Alaska?


Average cost of a first DUI $24,265
3 Days in Jail $330
Court Fines $1,500
Sentencing $250+
Vehicle Impound Fee $600+

What happens if you get a DUI in Alaska?

Penalties for Drunk Driving in Alaska. First-time offenders face at least 72 hours in prison and a fine of at least $1,500. The driver’s license revocation period is at least 90 days. A person who commits a second DWI within 15 years of the first conviction faces at least 20 days in prison and a fine of at least $3,000 …

How long does DUI stay on record in Alaska?

How long does a DUI stay on your driving record?

State On record for Points
Alaska For life 10 points
Arizona 5 years 8 points
Arkansas 5 years 14 points
California 10 years 2 points

What happens when you get your first DUI in Alaska?

For a first-time DUI in Alaska, the possible penalties include: Jail Time: A minimum of 72 hours and a maximum of one year. Fines: A minimum of $1,500 and a maximum of $25,000. Driver’s License Suspension: Not less than 90 days.

How long is a lawyer retainer good for?

A lawyer cannot claim the retainer fee until they have completed work and provided an invoice to the client. The retainer is still the possession of the client until used for legitimate expenses as detailed in the retainer agreement. The amount in the trust account will not expire.

How long does a DUI stay on your record in Alaska?

How long does a DUI stay on your driving record?

State On record for Points
Alabama 5 years 6 points
Alaska For life 10 points
Arizona 5 years 8 points
Arkansas 5 years 14 points

Can you get a DUI expunged in Alaska?

No Expungement Of DUI Conviction Under current Alaska law, a conviction for drunk driving, refusal to submit to a sobriety test, or any related drunk driving offense cannot be expunged from a person’s criminal record.

Is a DUI a felony in Alaska?

Under current Alaska drunk driving laws, a drunk driving offense (dwi or refusal) can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony offense. Felony convictions are much more serious. A convicted felon has restrictions on his or her civil liberties.

Is your first DUI a felony in Alaska?

Penalties for a First-Time DUI in Alaska In a typical case, a first-time DUI will be classified as a Class A misdemeanor. Under Alaska law, Class A misdemeanors carry penalties of up to one year in jail and a $25,000 fine. However, Section 28.35. 030 establishes minimum penalties for DUI offenders as well.

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