How many calories are in Japanese shrimp sauce?

How many calories are in Japanese shrimp sauce?

Terry Ho’s

Nutrition Facts
For a Serving Size of 2 Tbsp (30g)
How many calories are in Yum Yum Sauce, Japanese Shrimp/Steak Sauce? Amount of calories in Yum Yum Sauce, Japanese Shrimp/Steak Sauce: Calories 170.1 Calories from Fat 153 (90%)
% Daily Value *

How many calories are in 2 tablespoons of shrimp sauce?

Food City

Nutrition Facts
For a Serving Size of 2 tbsp (30g)
How many calories are in Shrimp Sauce? Amount of calories in Shrimp Sauce: Calories 150 Calories from Fat 135 (90%)
% Daily Value *
How much fat is in Shrimp Sauce? Amount of fat in Shrimp Sauce: Total Fat 15g

How many calories are in shrimp cocktail sauce?

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet….Region: US.

Serving Ingredient Calories
15 grams cocktail sauce 19

How many carbs are in yum yum sauce?

Yum Yum Sauce (2 tbsp) contains 5g total carbs, 5g net carbs, 16g fat, 0g protein, and 160 calories.

How many carbs are in Japanese white sauce?

White sauce by Tokyo Express Japanese Restaurant, Inc.

Nutrition Facts
Total Carbohydrate 2g 1 %
Dietary Fiber 0g 0 %
Sugar 1g
Protein 0g 0 %

Does soy sauce have carbs?

yesSoy sauce / Has Carbohydrate

Is Yum Yum sauce unhealthy?

Contains Harmful Food Additives Yum Yum Sauce contains modified starch and sodium benzoate which are included in our list of food additives to avoid for keto. Food additives are potentially harmful to health and should be avoided as much as possible.

How many calories are in a tablespoon of yum yum sauce?


Nutrition Facts
For a Serving Size of 1 Tbsp (15g)
How many calories are in Yum Yum Sauce? Amount of calories in Yum Yum Sauce: Calories 48 Calories from Fat 35.1 (73.1%)
% Daily Value *
How much fat is in Yum Yum Sauce? Amount of fat in Yum Yum Sauce: Total Fat 3.9g

Are shrimp cocktails good for weight loss?

Shrimp cocktail At around 8 calories apiece, shrimp are a fabulous source of lean protein, which helps rev your metabolism and keeps you feeling full for hours. Next time you dine out, start your meal with a shrimp cocktail appetizer.

Is Yum Yum sauce high in carbs?

Yum Yum Sauce should be avoided on keto because it is very high in net carbs (13.33g of net carbs per 100g serving). It is important to limit your net carb consumption to 20g – 30g per day to stay in ketosis.

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