How do I write a simple device driver in Linux?

How do I write a simple device driver in Linux?

To build a driver, these are the steps to follow:

  1. Program the driver source files, giving special attention to the kernel interface.
  2. Integrate the driver into the kernel, including in the kernel source calls to the driver functions.
  3. Configure and compile the new kernel.
  4. Test the driver, writing a user program.

Does Linux use device drivers?

The Linux kernel device drivers are, essentially, a shared library of privileged, memory resident, low level hardware handling routines. It is Linux’s device drivers that handle the peculiarities of the devices they are managing. One of the basic features of is that it abstracts the handling of devices.

What are Linux drivers written in?

The Linux kernel is written in the C and Assembler programming languages. C implements the main part of the kernel, while Assembler implements architecture-dependent parts. That’s why we can use only these two languages for Linux device driver development.

How do I create a driver module in Linux?

How to compile Linux kernel modules

  1. Step 1 – Get Linux kernel headers source code. You need running kernel source code; if you don’t have a source code, download it from
  2. Step 2 – Creating a Makefile.
  3. Step 3 – Compile Linux kernel module.
  4. Step 4 – Loading Linux kernel module.

How do you write a device driver from scratch?

  1. Step 1: Know about the Hardware.
  2. Step 2: Say Hello to your hardware (In other words, talk to your hardware)
  3. Step 3: Initialize your hardware.
  4. Step 4: Control your hardware.
  5. Step 5: Data Communication to your hardware.
  6. Step 6: Start and Stop data communication.
  7. Step 7: Fine-Tune and Debug Your Driver based on Testing.

How are drivers programmed?

A driver communicates with the device through the computer bus or communications subsystem to which the hardware connects. When a calling program invokes a routine in the driver, the driver issues commands to the device (drives it).

How do I make a device driver?


  1. Step 1: Generate the KMDF driver code by using the Visual Studio Professional 2019 USB driver template.
  2. Step 2: Modify the INF file to add information about your device.
  3. Step 3: Build the USB client driver code.
  4. Step 4: Configure a computer for testing and debugging.
  5. Step 5: Enable tracing for kernel debugging.

How can I make a driver?

Select and hold (or right-click) the driver project and choose Properties. Under Configuration Properties->Driver, verify that Target Platform is set to Windows Drivers. To build a driver that runs on Windows 10 for Desktop editions only, select Desktop. Build the driver.

How do you write a device driver?

How does Linux driver work?

Drivers are very similar to any other program, they can be comprised of multiple source files. Linux devices drivers can be directly compiled into the kernel or a kernel module. Kernel modules have the benefit of being able to be loaded dynamically (i.e. you don’t need to compile a new kernel to use them).

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