How do I update infotype in SAP?
Function module HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION to maintain SAP HR infotypes. CONSTANTS: change TYPE pspar-actio VALUE ‘MOD’. “This code is requred and locks the record ready for modification CALL FUNCTION ‘HR_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE’ EXPORTING number = p_pernr. “loop at p0071 into p_p0071.
How do I change infotype screen in SAP HR?
Step by step process:
- Go to Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) through transaction code SPRO.
- Go to ‘Change Screen Modifications’ through SAP IMG → Personnel Management → Personnel Administration → Customizing User Interface.
- Click on ‘New Entries’ button, you will see the configuration screen.
How does SAP HR improve infotype?
Steps to create/enhance a HR Infotype:
- Go to Transaction PM01.
- Enter the custom Infotype number which you want to create (Should be a 4 digit number, start with 9).
- Select the ‘Employee Infotype’ radio button.
- Select the ‘PS Structure Infotype’.
- Click on Create…
How do I find the infotype in SAP?
Display an Infotype Step 1 − Search an Infotype using Personnel number and T-code: PA30 or PA20. Step 2 − In the new window, enter the personnel number and press Enter. Step 3 − Select the Infotype you want to display. Click F7 or the icon at the top.
How do I add infotype to PA30?
Go to transaction PA30. We can add new infotypes to the above screen by using the infotype V_T588B. For this, we need to know the user group for which the user belongs. For this click on System -> User Profile -> Own data.
How do I add a field to infotype in SAP?
SAP allows you to add additional fields to any standard Infotype.
- Using transaction PM01 chose the ‘Enhance Infotype tab’ and press the create ‘All’ button.
- The following screen will appear allowing you to enter the new fields you wish to add to the Infotype.
How do I edit custom infotype in SAP HR?
Follow the steps for Custom infotype creation and Screen assignment for that new custom Info type :
- Go to Transaction PM01.
- Enter the custom Infotype number which you want to create (Should be a 4 digit number, start with 9).
- Select the `Employee Infotype’ radio button.
- Select the `PS Structure Infotype’.
What is screen modification in SAP HCM?
Using screen modifications, you can edit the characteristics of the individual infotype fields. For example, you can hide fields that you do not need, or you can make essential fields mandatory. You can also modify the screen for different subtypes of an infotype or based on an employee’s organizational assignment.
What is SAP infotype?
An infotype is an information unit used to maintain master data related to SAP human resource management systems (HRMS). An infotypes contains a four-digit code with a related name and is capable of maintaining employee data.
What is infotype menu in SAP?
Grouping of relevant infotypes under a single tab in the master data screen is called as an infotype menu. With the help of Infotype menu in SAP, you can easily maintain master data of employees. In transaction code PA30 (Maintain HR Master Data), different infotypes are maintained under each tab.
How do you display infotype numbers in SAP?
By default, SAP does not display the infotype name. But you can change it very easily. The select last tab called “Parameters”. Now if you use transaction code PA20 or PA30, you can see the infotype number next to infotype name.
How do I add another field in infotype?