How do I check if a trademark is registered in China?
Chinese Trademark Office website The Chinese Trademark Office provides a free online search tool at – click the ‘English’ link at the upper right of the page.
Does China have intellectual property laws?
China has a complete legal system for the protection of intellectual property rights. China’s intellectual property law stipulates the legal responsibilities to be borne by anyone who violates the law, including civil liability, criminal liability and exposure to administrative sanctions.
How do I find Cnipa?
You can visit the English website of CNIPA by this link and see the following front page. Looking at the right middle search engineer, input the application number and use the drop-down arrow to change the item into “Application Number”.
How do I register a brand in China?
There are two systems to file the trademark application in China. It can either be filed directly at the China Trademark Office (CNIPA) or by filing an application via the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
What products are popular in China?
What kind of products do Chinese people purchase online?
- Cosmetics.
- Luxury Bags.
- Clothes.
- Shoes.
- Fashion Accessories.
- Home decors & furniture.
- Perfumes.
- Lingerie and underwears.
Does China protect patents?
In China, you can apply for patent, copyright and trademark protection.
Does China respect copyright?
Intellectual property rights (IPRs) have been acknowledged and protected in China since the 1980s. China has acceded to the major international conventions on protection of rights to intellectual property.
How much does a patent cost in China?
Cost of Filing Patents for Invention in China The official charge of filing an application is 950 RMB (renminbi) and the attorney fee is 5500 RMB. Filing a PCT application including the publication fee within the stipulated time costs 950 RMB with an additional attorney cost of 6000 RMB.
Which country owns the most patents?
In 2020, China had the most patent grants worldwide with 530,127 patents granted to resident and non-resident companies or organizations.
How many patents does China have?
In 2020, China had the most patent grants worldwide with 530,127 patents granted to resident and non-resident companies or organizations.
What does a Chinese patent number look like?
Before October 2003, the PRC patent numbers follow the format starting with the characters “ZL” (the acronym of the English transliteration of the term “patent” in Chinese), followed by the first two digits representing the year of application, the third digit representing the type of patent, the four to eight digits …