Do you use the shell of cardamom pods?

Do you use the shell of cardamom pods?

Cooking Tips Cardamom is used in flavoring both sweet and savory dishes. Often the pods are used whole. They can be heated in oil to impart flavor and doing so can sometimes cause them to pop open and release the seeds.

Do you use cardamom seeds or pods?

Cardamom is a spice made from the seed pods of various plants in the ginger family. Cardamom pods are spindle-shaped and have a triangular cross-section. The pods contain a number of seeds, but the entire cardamom pod can be used whole or ground.

Can you substitute cardamom seeds for pods?

The cardamom pods contain tiny, spicy sweet seeds that you need to remove from the pods and crush before using in a recipe. In place of 5 cardamom pods (with the seeds removed and crushed), you can use 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom.

Can I grind whole cardamom pods?

How to Shop for It: Green cardamom is sold as whole pods, ground, and as seeds alone. To preserve more volatile flavor compounds, buy whole pods and grind them as needed.

Do I need to crush cardamom pods?

Both forms of cardamom can be used in the same recipe, but the method of preparation will differ. You will have to split or crush the pods to expose the seeds to be used for slow-cooking. Biting into these seeds tends to be unpleasant. When using these seeds, bruising with the back of the knife is a must.

What can I use to replace cardamom pods?

Both cinnamon and nutmeg are each widely recommended as cardamom substitutes. Cinnamon is the most popular of the two for use as a standalone cardamom replacement; however, nutmeg is still a popular and relatively inexpensive alternative.

Can you grind whole cardamom pods?

What is the difference between cardamom and cardamon?

cardamom, also spelled cardamon, spice consisting of whole or ground dried fruits, or seeds, of Elettaria cardamomum, a herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). The seeds have a warm, slightly pungent, and highly aromatic flavour somewhat reminiscent of camphor.

What’s the difference between cardamom and cardamom?

The green cardamom has a very strong and intense aroma and flavour, while the black cardamom has a smoky and vaguely camphor-like flavour. The taste of black cardamom has a coolness that is sometimes likened to that of mint, but both the forms of cardamom are used for the purpose of adding flavour to foods and drinks.

Can I use whole cardamom pods instead of ground?

One cardamom pod is the equivalent of 1/6 teaspoon of ground cardamom. That means you’ll need to buy six pods for every teaspoon of cardamom that your recipe calls for. If the recipe calls for one teaspoon of cardamom, start with a quarter teaspoon of cloves and quarter teaspoon cinnamon.

Should you crack cardamom pods?

Bruising Cardamom. Place the cardamom on a flat, clean surface. You can only bruise 1-2 pods at a time. You will be using the flat side of a knife, lightly cracking open the pods like you might crush garlic.

Can you substitute ground cardamom for cardamom pods?

You can also use powdered or ground cardamom as a replacement for pods, and vice versa. Now, this is not quite as straightforward as it seems, as certain types of cardamom give off different flavors, and so, they are suited to certain dishes.

How much ground cardamon can be substituted for pods?

Whether your ground cardamom is store-bought or homemade, you should store it in an airtight container far away from sources of heat and light. The rule of the thumb is that a teaspoon of ground cardamom is equivalent to six cardamom pods. Therefore, if a recipe calls for six cardamom pods, just use one teaspoon of ground cardamom.

How to get cardamom seeds out of the pod?

– High blood pressure. – Nausea and vomiting that can occur after surgery. – Bronchitis. – Common cold and other infections. – Constipation. – Cough. – Epilepsy. – Gallbladder problems.

How do you cook the cardamom pods?


  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Ground cloves
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