How is Electrooculography used to investigate the movement of the eye?

How is Electrooculography used to investigate the movement of the eye?

Eye movements can be recorded using electrodes placed on the skin near the eyes. This kind of recording is an electrooculogram or EOG. An EOG records eye movement because of a voltage difference between the cornea and the retina (Figure 1).

What does an EOG electrode record?

An EOG records changes that occur in the corneoretinal potential with eye movements during sleep and wakefulness. The cornea and retina form a dipole, with the cornea being positive in relation to the retina. A movement in the eye changes the electrical signal in the EOG electrodes, which is recorded as a deflection.

What is EOG in EEG?

Electroencephalogram (EEG) refers to the brain waves, whereas electrooculogram (EOG) represents the eyeblinking signals. Both the signals possess complexities and various artifacts when they are recorded. In order to use these signals in biometric and clinical applications, preprocessing needs to be done.

How does a EOG work?

An EOG records eye movement by detecting a voltage difference between the cornea and retina. As the eye moves, the vector of this electric field changes with respect to recording electrodes placed in the skin at fixed points.

What is the difference between electroencephalography and electroencephalogram?

is that electroencephalogram is (neurology) a recording of electrical brain activity (brain waves) made by an electroencephalograph while electroencephalography is (neurology) the measurement and recording of electrical activity in the brain for diagnostic purposes.

What is Electroretinogram used for?

Electroretinography is a test to measure the electrical response of the eye’s light-sensitive cells, called rods and cones. These cells are part of the retina (the back part of the eye).

What can EOG diagnose?

The electro-oculogram (EOG) investigates abnormalities of the outermost layer of the retina, the retinal pigment epithelium, allowing the early diagnosis of some inherited macular diseases such as Best disease. The EOG is used to assess the function of the pigment epithelium.

Why is EOG used?

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